Boundary nodes

Boundary nodes

The boundary nodes form the globally distributed edge of the Internet Computer (IC) through which all the accesses to the canister smart contracts go. The boundary nodes provide a public endpoint for the IC and route all incoming requests to the right subnet, loadbalance requests across replica nodes, and cache responses for improved performance.

边界节点形成了互联网计算机(IC)的全球分布边缘,对容器智能合约的所有访问都通过它进行。 边界节点为 IC 提供公共端点,并将所有传入请求路由到正确的子网、跨副本节点的负载平衡请求以及缓存响应以提高性能。

Boundary nodes are the gateway to the Internet Computer, which allow users to seamlessly access the canister smart contracts.


The boundary nodes provide two ways of accessing canister smart contracts hosted on the Internet Computer: first, one can access them using stock browsers through the HTTP gateway, and second, one can access them using API canister calls through the API boundary node.

边界节点提供两种访问托管在互联网计算机上的容器智能合约的方式:第一,一种可以通过 HTTP 网关使用股票浏览器访问它们,第二,可以通过 API 边界节点使用 API 容器调用来访问它们。

The HTTP gateway allows users to access the dapps hosted on the IC through their browsers the same way they are used to accessing any Web 2.0 service. To this end, the HTTP gateway translates all incoming HTTP requests into API canister calls, which are then routed to the right subnet.

The API boundary node allows IC native applications to directly call the canister smart contracts. In this case, the boundary node simply routes the API canister calls to the right subnet. Hence, no trust is required between the user and the boundary node.

Both the HTTP gateway and the API boundary node are currently combined into the boundary node. Work to separate the two into two independent services is ongoing. Once complete, the API boundary nodes will be fully under the control of the NNS, while the HTTP gateways can be run by anyone in the community ensuring compliance with local jurisdictions. For more information check our updates in the forum.

In addition to the two endpoints, the boundary nodes provide to access the IC, the boundary nodes also provide caching to improve the performance of the dapps hosted on the IC.

Boundary Nodes

The boundary nodes are the gateway to the Internet Computer (IC), and allow users to seamlessly access the canister smart contracts running on it. The following figure shows how the boundary nodes form the edge of the IC and all accesses to the IC have to go through one of the boundary nodes.

Boundary Node Internals

At a closer look, boundary nodes consist of two parts: the API node, which provides an endpoint for API canister calls, and the HTTP gateway, which provides an HTTP endpoint for users to access the canisters hosted on the IC with their stock browser.

API Node

The API endpoint resides at and is specified in the IC’s Interface Specification.

Whenever a boundary node receives an API canister call, it passes it through a filter and then routes it to a replica node on the correct subnet in the IC.

Filtering within the boundary node consists only of rate-limiting. The rate-limits are in place to protect the IC from being overwhelmed with external accesses.

After an API canister call passed the filtering stage, the boundary node infers the destination canister ID and uses the routing table to look up the subnet in which this canister is hosted. It then randomly chooses a replica within that subnet to which it forwards the API call. The random selection of the target replica ensures that an API call eventually reaches an honest node when the client keeps retrying.

Finally, the boundary node forwards the API canister call to the selected replica node in the core of the IC.

Since the API Node is simply passing the API canister call on to the IC, no trust is required.

HTTP Gateway

The HTTP endpoint is served through two main domains: and In the following, we use for simplicity only, even though both domains could be used equally.

Unfortunately, browsers don't natively support API canister calls and therefore cannot directly talk to the canisters hosted on the IC. The HTTP gateway protocol bridges that gap by providing a mechanism to translate HTTP requests into API canister calls allowing a client to interact with canisters. A gateway can be implemented in various forms (e.g., as a stand-alone proxy, as a browser plugin, or as a service worker).

The boundary nodes provide two different implementations of the HTTP gateway protocol:

  • Service worker: under <canister_id>, the boundary nodes serve a service worker, which is installed in the browser and acts as an HTTP gateway directly in the user’s browser;
  • icx-proxy: under <canister_id>, the boundary node runs icx-proxy, an HTTP gateway implementation suitable for all clients that do not support a service worker.

Before serving any HTTP request, the HTTP Gateway passes the incoming request through a filter, which can be used to implement content filtering allowing operators to comply with local legal frameworks (e.g., blocking gambling services in a particular geography). To learn more about content filtering see Content Filtering via The Boundary Nodes.

Service Worker

When accessing <canister_id>, the boundary node returns a service worker implementing the HTTP gateway protocol, which is installed directly in the user’s browser (step 1 and 2). From then on, the service worker will intercept all HTTP requests and translate them to API canister calls (step 3). These API canister calls will then go through the API endpoint of the boundary node to the IC (step 4). The replica sends the response back through the boundary node to the service worker (step 5 and 6). For all responses, the service worker verifies the certificate of the response and only translates it into a proper HTTP response for the browser if it passes all the checks (step 7).


The HTTP Gateway endpoint implements the HTTP gateway protocol, which translates between HTTP requests and API canister calls. This endpoint resides at <canister_id> Whenever a boundary node receives such a request, it forwards it to icx-proxy, a service running directly on the boundary node that implements the HTTP gateway protocol. icx-proxy translates the HTTP requests into API canister calls and forwards them to the API endpoint of the boundary node. It verifies the certificates of the responses and constructs an HTTP response to send back to the client. Here, the user needs to trust the boundary node as the boundary node is constructing the API calls and verifying the correctness of the IC’s response.

Additional Features of the Boundary Nodes


The boundary nodes serving are globally distributed and organized in regional pools. All requests are directed to the geographically closest pool and load balanced over the instances within that pool. The health of the boundary nodes is constantly monitored and in case of failure, boundary nodes will be removed from the pools.


Bots and crawlers, such as the ones used by search engines, do not support service workers. In order for them to index content hosted under their requests are internally redirected to icx-proxy. This allows the dapps running on the Internet Computer to seamlessly integrate into the Web 2.0 world. These dapps can be indexed by search engines and their metadata can be read in order to generate previews and cards on social platforms.


To improve the user-perceived performance of the dapps hosted on the IC, the boundary nodes currently provide response caching. Responses to requests are cached for 1s.

Future Boundary Node Developments

To follow future boundary node developments check out the public roadmap, the IC developer forum and the thread on the future boundary node architecture.

See Also

Boundary nodes
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong 2023年10月10日
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