arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong 从 Rust 代理调用 IC Overview The Rust agent by DFINTY is a simple-to-use library that enables you to build applications and interact with the Internet Computer. It serves as a Rust-based low-level backend for the IC SD... 2023年10月9日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong 互联网计算机IC环境下:NFT 开发 Overview An NFT or non-fungible token is a record on a blockchain that is associated with a particular digital or physical asset. The unique digital representation on a blockchain allows the proving... 2023年10月9日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong 将外部Agents代理与 IC 集成 Overview In the Internet Computer ecosystem, a library that is used to make calls to the IC public interface is called an agent . An agent has a few key responsibilities, which make it convenient to... 2023年10月8日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong Summary of the First Twitter Space with Dfinity, Linea, and Manta Overview: In a recent Twitter Space session, the Dmail team had the privilege of hosting three prominent figures from the blockchain space: Lomesh Dutta from Dfinity, Declan Sewell from Linea, and Jen... 2023年10月8日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong Motoko语言:基本概念和术语 Motoko is designed for distributed programming with actors. Motoko 专为Actors分布式编程而设计。 When programming on the Internet Computer in Motoko, each actor represents an Internet Computer canister smart cont... 2023年10月8日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong IC环境下Rust基础编程:Hello world Overview This sample demonstrates a simple dapp consisting of two canisters: A simple backend canister, hello, implementing the logic of the application. A simple frontend asset canister, hello_assets... 2023年10月7日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong Executive MBA students from Wharton meet the Internet Computer As part of their curriculum, professionals in the Executive MBA program at Wharton — a top-ranking university for MBAs — took a tour of Switzerland’s Crypto Valley region, one of the most prominent ho... 2023年10月7日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong Securing cross-chain communication from Ethereum to the Internet Computer with an on-chain Light Client Originally published at . The Internet Computer (ICP) continues to evolve with sights set on becoming a hub for decentralized applications and services in a multichain world. Ch... 2023年10月7日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong New P2P layer of the Internet Computer introduces QUIC for State Sync Until now, state sync on the Internet Computer used the legacy P2P layer, which works over TCP. The new P2P layer is tailored for state sync and uses the QUIC transport protocol, making it simpler, mo... 2023年10月7日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong The Internet Computer: A blockchain that offers stateful decentralized serverless computing Is serverless computation even possible on a blockchain platform? Our recent peer-reviewed article shows that the Internet Computer provides serverless computation comparable to existing cloud provide... 2023年10月7日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong Rocket Protocol VRF+BLS共识机制:解决高频交易的问题 当开发门槛降低,大量开发者进入Rocket Protocol进行生态建设时,必然会出现高频率的交易。这需要Rocket Protocol通过一个合理的机制来确保数据的高效性、公平性与安全性,以此来保证稳定的高频交易。而这个机制,就是本篇文章将详细分析的Rocket Protocol的共识机制。 什么是共识机制? 简单来讲,共识机制就是“让事件参与方对于同一事件达成相同意见”的机制。在区块链网络中,... 2023年10月7日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong 9个开源的BLS算法实现【ETH2.0】 BLS(Boneh-Lynn-Shacham)是ETH 2.0中采用的私钥生成和签名方案,本文将介绍 常用的BLS开源开发库,可用于C/C++、Rust、JavaScript、Golang、Python等各种密码学 应用的开发。 1、Herum BLS Herum BLS是BLS阈值签名的一个C++实现,支持以太坊2.0阶段0规定的 新的BLS签名方案。 Herum BLS支持如下架构: Wind... 2023年10月7日