此处记录的 Motoko 版本(当前为 0.9.3)可能比 dfx 附带的 Motoko 编译器早几个版本。
This is terse, slide-like introduction to Motoko and its features. 这是对 Motoko 及其功能的简洁、幻灯片式的介绍。
Motivation and Goals /设计Motoko语言动机与目标
A simple, useful language for the Internet Computer (IC) 一种简单、有用的互联网计算机 (IC) 语言
Familiar syntax 熟悉的语法
Safe by default 默认安全
Incorporating actor model for canister smart contracts 纳入canister容器智能合约的actor模型
Seamless integration of Internet Computer features 无缝整合IC互联网计算机功能
Making most of present and future WebAssembly 充分利用现在和未来的 WebAssembly
Key Design Points
Object-oriented, functional & imperative 面向对象、函数式和命令式
Objects as records of functions 对象作为函数的记录
async/await for sequential programming of asynchronous messaging async/await 用于异步消息传递的顺序编程
Structural typing with simple generics and subtyping 具有简单泛型和子类型的结构类型
Safe arithmetic (both unbounded and checked) 安全算术(无界和检查)
Non-nullable types by default 默认情况下不可为 null 的类型
Garbage collected (no manual memory management) 内存垃圾收集(无手动内存管理)
JavaScript-like syntax but statically typed & sane 类似 JavaScript 的语法,但静态类型且理智
Semantics 语义
call-by-value (like Java, C, JS, ML; unlike Haskell) 按值调用(如 Java、C、JS、ML;与 Haskell 不同)
declarations are locally mutually recursive 声明是局部相互递归的
parametric, bounded polymorphism 参数化、有界多态性
subtyping as zero-cost subsumption, not coercion 子类型化是零成本包含,而不是强制
no dynamic casts 没有动态转换
no inheritance 没有继承使用方法。
Implementation(s) 语言实现
implemented in OCaml (leverages wasm libary) 用 OCaml 实现(利用 wasm 库)
simple reference interpreter 简单参考解释器
less simple compiler to WebAssembly WebAssembly 不太简单的编译器
multipass with typed IR in each pass. 多通道,每次通道均带有类型 IR。
uniform representation, unboxed arithmetic 统一表示,未装箱算术
copying GC, compacting GC, or generational GC (select which with compiler flag) 复制 GC、压缩 GC 或分代 GC(使用编译器标志选择)
GC invoked after messages (for now) 消息后调用 GC(目前)
polymorphism by erasure 擦除多态性
The language Expressions 语言表达式
Identifiers: 标识
x, foo_bar, test123, List, MapParentheses ( … ) for grouping 用于分组的括号 (…)
Braces { … } for scoping (and records) 大括号 { … } 用于确定范围(和记录)
; for sequencing
Type annotations (to help type inference): 类型注释(以帮助类型推断):
(42 : Int)
(zero cost)
Libraries 函数库
import Debug "mo:base/Debug"; import Int "mo:base/Int";
(import MyLib "src/MyLib" imports a library from the local file system.)
Specific bindings can be imported from the module using object patterns
(import MyLib "src/MyLib" 从本地文件系统导入库。)
import { push; nil } = "mo:base/List";
Libraries continued
import Debug "mo:base/Debug"; import Int "mo:base/Int"; import Trie "mo:base/Trie"; type Users = Trie.Trie<Text, Nat>; // reference types Debug.print(Int.toText(7)); // reference functions/values
Blocks and declarations 程序块和声明
type Delta = Nat; func print() { Debug.print(Int.toText(counter)); }; let d : Delta = 42; var counter = 1; counter := counter + d; print();
Semicolon after each declaration!
Mutually recursive
Mutable variables marked explicitly
Control flow 控制流
The usual suspects…
do { … }
if b …
if b … else …
switch e { case pat1 e1; …; case _ en }
while b …
loop …
loop … while b
for (pat in e) …
return, return e
label l e, break l e
do ? { … e! … }
async e, await e (restricted)
throw, try … catch x { … } (restricted)
Primitive types
Unbounded integers
{ …, -2, 1, 0, 1, 2, … }
Inferred by default for negative literals.
Literals: 13, 0xf4, -20, +1, 1_000_000
Unbounded naturals
{ 0, 1, 2, … }
Non-negative, trap on underflow.
Inferred by default for non-negative literals
Literals: 13, 0xf4, 1_000_000
Nat <: Int
Nat is a subtype of Int
(you can supply a Nat wherever an Int is expected)
Bounded numbers (trapping) 有界数(陷阱)
Nat8, Nat16, Nat32, Nat64, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64
Trap on over- and underflow; wrap-around and bit-manipulating operations available separately
Needs type annotations (somewhere)
Literals: 13, 0xf4, -20, 1_000_000
Floating point numbers
IEEE 754 double precision (64 bit) semantics, normalized NaN
Inferred for fractional literals
Literals: 0, -10, 2.71, -0.3e+15, 3.141_592_653_589_793_12
Numeric operations
No surprises here
- x
a + b
a % b
a & b
a << b
a + % b, a -% b, … for wrapping, modular arithmetic (where appropriate)
Characters and Text
Char, Text
Unicode! Character = Unicode scalar value; no random access on text
'x', '\u{6a}', '☃',
"boo", "foo \u{62}ar ☃"
"Concat" # "enation"
Literals: true, false
a or b
a and b
not b
if (b) e1 else e2
Function types
Simple functions:
Int.toText : Int -> Text
multiple arguments and return values
divRem : (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
can be generic/polymorphic
Option.unwrapOr : <T>(?T, default : T) -> T
first-class (can be passed around, stored)
map : <A, B>(f : A -> B, xs : [A]) -> [B] let funcs : [<T>(T) -> T] = …
Function Declarations & Use
func add(x : Int, y : Int) : Int = x + y; func applyNTimes<T>(n : Int, x : T, f : T -> ()) { if (n <= 0) return; f(x); applyNTimes(n-1, x, f); }; applyNTimes<Text>(3, "Hello!", func(x) { Debug.print(x) } );
func() { … } short for func() : () = { … }
Parametric functions
Type instantiations may sometimes be omitted
Anonymous functions (a.k.a. lambdas)
Composite types
(Bool, Float, Text)
immutable, heterogeneous, fixed size
let tuple = (true or false, 0.6 * 2.0, "foo" # "bar");
let (_, _, t) = tuple;
is either a value of that type, e.g. ?"hello", or null.
func display(x : ?Text) : Text { switch x { case (null) { "No value" }; case (?y) { "Value: " # y }; }; };
(display(null), display(?"Test"))
Option blocks
Switching on every option value can be inconvenient …
The option block, do ? { … }, allow you to safely access option values with a postfix null break ! expression.
Within do ? { … }, which returns an option, the expression e! immediately exits the block with null when the value of option e is null or continues with the option’s contents.
func add(x : ?Nat, y: ?Nat) : ?Nat { do ? { x! + y! }; }; (add(null, null), add (?1,null), add (?1,?2), add (null,?2));
Arrays (immutable)
let days = [ "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun" ]; assert(days.size() == 7); assert(days[1] == "Tue"); // days[7] will trap (fixed size) for (d in days.vals()) { Debug.print(d) };
Arrays (mutable)
[var Nat]
let counters = [var 1, 2, 3]; assert(counters.size() == 3); counters[1] := counters[1] + 1; // counters[3] will trap (fixed size) counters;
{first : Text; last : Text; salary : var Nat}
let employee = {first = "John"; last = "Doe"; var salary = 81_932}; Debug.print( employee.first # " " # employee.last # " earns " # Int.toText(employee.salary) # " pounds." ); employee.salary += 79_496; employee;
{first : Text; last : Text; get : () → Nat; add : Nat → ()}
object self { public let first = "John"; public let last = "Doe"; var salary : Nat = 81_932; // private by default public func get() : Nat = salary; public func add(bump : Nat) { salary += bump }; }
class Employee(fst : Text, lst : Text) { public let first = fst; public let last = lst; var salary : Nat = 0; public func get() : Nat = salary; public func add(bump : Nat) { salary += bump }; }
Classes are factories for constructing objects.
A class introduces a type and a function (for constructing instances).
Just sugar for:
type Employee = {first : Text; last : Text; get : () -> Nat; add : Nat -> ()}; func Employee(fst : Text, lst : Text) : Employee = object { … }
Variants 变体
{#sun; #mon; #tue; #wed; #thu; #fri; #sat}
type Day = {#sun; #mon; #tue; #wed; #thu; #fri; #sat}; func toText(d : Day) : Text { switch d { case (#sun) "Sunday"; case (#mon) "Monday"; case (#tue) "Tuesday"; case (#wed) "Wednesday"; case (#thu) "Thursday"; case (#fri) "Friday"; case (#sat) "Saturday"; }; }; func sort(d : Day) : { #weekDay; #weekEnd } { switch d { case (#sun or #sat) #weekEnd; // or pattern case _ #weekDay; // wildcard pattern }; };
Recursive Types
type List = { #item : {head : Text; tail : List}; // variant with payload! #empty // ^^^^ recursion! }; func reverse(l : List) : List { func rev(l : List, r : List) : List { switch l { case (#empty) { r }; case (#item { head; tail }) { // nested patterns rev(tail, #item {head; tail = r}) } } }; rev(l, #empty); }; let l = reverse(#item {head = "A"; tail = #item {head = "B"; tail = #empty}});
Generic types
type List<T> = { #item : {head : T; tail : List<T>}; #empty }; func reverse<T>(l : List<T>) : List<T> { func rev(l : List<T>, r : List<T>) : List<T> { switch l { case (#empty) { r }; case (#item { head; tail }) { // a nested pattern rev(tail, #item {head; tail = r}) } } }; rev(l, #empty); }; let s : List<Text> = reverse(#item {head = "A"; tail = #item {head = "B"; tail = #empty}}); let ns : List<Nat> = reverse(#item {head = 0; tail = #item {head = 1; tail = #empty}})
Packages and modules
// the type of base/Int.mo module { type Int = Prim.Types.Int; toText : Int -> Text; abs : Int -> Nat; // ... }
modules contain named types and values (like objects),
but are restricted to static content (pure, no state, …)
Module imports
import Debug "mo:base/Debug"; // import from package import Int "mo:base/Int"; import MyLib "lib/MyLib"; // import from local file MyLib.mo
base package provides basic features as separate modules.
More libraries popping up!
MyLib.mo must contain a module or actor class, eg:
module { public type List<T> = …; public func reverse<T>(l : List<T>) : List<T> { … }; }
Platform features
Actor types
Like object types, but marked as actor:
type Broadcast = actor { register : Receiver -> (); send : Text -> async Nat; }; type Receiver = actor { recv : query Text -> async Nat };
sharable arguments and no or async result type.
register is a oneway IC method (unawaitable).
send is an IC update method
recv is IC query method
IC canister with Candid interface ≈ Motoko actor
sharable ≈ serializable
all primitive types
records, tuples, arrays, variants, options
with immutable sharable componentsactor types
shared function type
Not sharable:
mutable things
local functions
objects (with methods)
A complete actor
import Array "mo:base/Array"; actor { type Receiver = actor {recv : query Text -> async Nat}; var r : [Receiver] = []; public func register(a : Receiver) { r := Array.append(r, [a]); }; public func send(t : Text) : async Nat { var sum = 0; for (a in r.vals()) { sum += await a.recv(t); }; return sum; }; }
a typical actor/canister main file
async T
asychronous future or promise
introduced by async { … }
(implicit in async function declaration)
await e
suspends computation pending e’s result:
if the result is a value, continues with that value,
if the result is an Error, throws the error.
public func send(t : Text) : async Nat { var sum = 0; for (a in r.vals()) { sum += await a.recv(t); // may return Nat or `throw` error }; return sum; };
(Errors can be handled using try … catch …)
Concurrency Hazards
Functions that await are not atomic.
Suspension introduces concurrency hazards.
A bad implementation of send:
var sum = 0; // shared state! public func send(t : Text) : async Nat { sum := 0; for (a in r.vals()) { sum += await a.recv(t); }; return sum; };
(Concurrent sends will share and clobber sum.)
Beware of race conditions!
Actor import
import Broadcast "canister:Broadcast"; /* or import Broadcast "ic:r7inp-6aaaa-aaaaa-aaabq-cai"; */ actor Self { var count = 0; public func go() { Broadcast.register(Self); }; public query func recv(msg : Text) : async Nat { return count; } }
(assumes there is a Candid file describing the interface of the import)
A Candid interface file
Broadcast's Candid file (produced by moc --idl Broadcast.mo compiler).
type Receiver = service { recv: (text) -> (nat) query; }; service : { register: (Receiver) -> () oneway; send: (text) -> (nat); }
A language independent interface definition.
Could just as easily describe a Rust implementation of Broadcast.
Principal and caller
import Principal "mo:base/Principal"; actor Self { public shared(context) func hello() : async Text { let myself : Principal = Principal.fromActor(Self); if (context.caller == myself) { "Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness"; } else { "Hello, nice to see you"; }; }; }
import Principal "mo:base/Principal"; import Error "mo:base/Error"; actor Self { public shared(context) func hello() : async Text { let myself : Principal = Principal.fromActor(Self); if (context.caller == myself) { throw Error.reject("Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness"); } else { "Hello, nice to see you"; }; }; }; async { let t = try Self.hello() catch (e) { Error.message(e); } };
Similar to exceptions in other languages,
but only available in async contexts, e.g. shared functions; async blocks
Stable variables/Stable 变量
If we upgrade the Broadcast actor, all current registrations are lost.
To preserve them, declare the state variable r as stable.
import Array "mo:base/Array"; actor Broadcast { type Receiver = actor {recv : query Text -> async Nat}; stable var r : [Receiver] = []; // declare r `stable` public func register(a : Receiver) { … } public func send(t : Text) : async Nat { … } // optional pre-upgrade action system func preupgrade() { Debug.print("saving receivers"); } // optional post-upgrade action system func postupgrade() { Debug.print("restoring receivers"); } }
stable variables must have stable types (see manual)
system hooks can’t send messages
Type system
/* type List = { #item : {head : Text; tail : List}; #empty }; func reverse(l : List) : List { //... }; */ type Stack = { #empty; #item : {tail : Stack; head : Text}; }; let stack : Stack = #empty; let revStack = reverse(stack); // works though reverse defined on List (not Stack)
Type definitions
do not create types,
but name existing types
Despite their different names, Stack and List are equivalent types.
Subtyping (Variants)
WeekDay <: Day
type WeekDay = {#mon; #tue; #wed; #thu; #fri}; type Day = {#sun; #mon; #tue; #wed; #thu; #fri; #sat}; func toText(d : Day) : Text { switch d { case (#sun) "Sunday"; case (#mon) "Monday"; //... }; }; let mon : WeekDay = #mon; let t = toText(mon); // also works, since WeekDay <: Day
t1 <: t2: t1 can be used wherever t2 is expected
Employee <: Person
type Employee = {first : Text; last : Text; var salary : Nat}; type Person = {first : Text; last : Text}; func toText(p : Person) : Text { p.last # "," # p.first; }; let employee : Employee = { first = "John"; last = "Doe"; var salary = 161_401}; let t = toText(employee); // also works, since Employee <: Person
Not covered
Polymorphic functions with type bounds
User defined iterator objects, supporting for loops.
Actor classes
debug_show for conversion of almost any value to text.
debug e expressions for debug-only compilation
do ? { … e! … } blocks for handling/propagating option values.
assert e expressions for conditional traps
mo_doc (generates doc from doc comments),
vessel (package manager)
mo_ide (LSP language server for VSCode, emacs etc)
Motoko 智能合约语言的简明概述