arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong IC环境:NFT 功能开发 Overview An NFT or non-fungible token is a record on a blockchain that is associated with a particular digital or physical asset. The unique digital representation on a blockchain allows the proving... 2023年10月22日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong 将外部代理与 IC 集成 Overview In the Internet Computer ecosystem, a library that is used to make calls to the IC public interface is called an agent . An agent has a few key responsibilities, which make it convenient to... 2023年10月22日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong 关于Python CDK智能合约开发工具的介绍 关于Python CDK智能合约开发工具的介绍 Benefits and drawbacks Kybra and the IC provide unique benefits and drawbacks, and both are not currently suitable for all application use-cases. Kybra 和 IC 具有独特的优点和缺点,目前两者并不适合... 2023年10月22日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong Candid数据文本表示 text "" "Hello" "Escaped characters: \n \r \t \\ \" \'" "Unicode escapes: \u{2603} is ☃ and \u{221E} is ∞" "Raw bytes (must be utf8): \E2\98\83 is also ☃" blob blob "" blob "Hello" blob "Escaped chara... 2023年10月19日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong [ICP开发]: DFX命令指南 dfx new 命令 dfx new用于创建一个新项目。 此命令使用模板文件创建默认项目结构。必须指定要创建的项目的名称。 语法 # dfx new [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <project-name> 选项 # FLAGS # --dry-run:提供要创建的目录和文件的预览,但不将它们添加到文件系统。 --frontend:是否需要要前端代码示例。如果安装了 Node,则默认为 t... 2023年10月19日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong IC智能合约编程:C++语言开发环境 参考文献: To create canister smart contracts it is common practice to use an SDK. The IC SDK is a common entry point. The IC SDK supports a few programming lang... 2023年10月16日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong IC边缘节点:Boundary nodes The boundary nodes form the globally distributed edge of the Internet Computer (IC) through which all the accesses to the canister smart contracts go. The boundary nodes provide a public endpoint for ... 2023年10月10日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong PoUW共识机制:Proof of Useful Work Background When Satoshi designed Bitcoin, he wrestled with two primary problems. Firstly, he needed to find a way to prevent what is known as a "Sybil attack", which would allow an adversary (i.e. the... 2023年10月10日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong 为 Rust canisters生成 Candid 文件 Overview In versions of the Rusk CDK v0.11.0 and higher, the Candid export workflow has been changed. You can call the ic_cdk::export_candid!() macro to enable the Candid export behavior, then use t... 2023年10月10日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong Candid简介与使用方法 Overview Candid is an interface description language . Its primary purpose is to describe the public interface of a service , usually in the form of a program deployed as a canister that runs on the... 2023年10月10日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong Rust 开发智能合约Canister简介 Rust is a powerful and type-sound modern programming language with an active developer community. Because Rust compiles to WebAssembly, it offers a rich development environment for writing dapps to ru... 2023年10月9日
arkMeta Crypto Network Limited, arkSong Rust编程案例:添加和搜索简单记录 Overview In this guide, you are going to write a dapp that provides a few basic functions to add and retrieve simple profile records that consist of a name, description, and an array of keywords. 在本... 2023年10月9日